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Why Texas Taco Week?
The National Leadership Foundation (a Texas nonprofit) is bringing opportunities to Texans to learn about and support Texas charities. And Texas Taco Week is a FUN way to do that.
The NLF has a long history of supporting Texas charities and our neighbors who need help through their Greatest Gift Catalog Ever (501c3). They do this by spreading charitable missions and messages out to neighborhoods through print, television, radio, social media, etc. You can visit to see more about this particular project.
Texas Taco Week (another NLF project) began as Fort Worth Taco Week and now graduates to include our entire state so that many more charities and restaurants can participate. Visit
www.TexasTacoWeek to find out about this year's event!
1. Patrons will visit participating restaurants and purchase their chosen TX Taco Week special. For each special purchased, the restaurant agrees to donate a portion of proceeds to their chosen charity.
2. Restaurant agrees to report their total intended donation to their chosen charity after completion of the event on or before May 10th.
3. Restaurant agrees to complete donation to the chosen charity on or before May 15th, and will deliver monies directly to their charity partner.
4. The National Leadership Foundation will not audit the donation accounting of participating restaurants. Restaurants will be participating in the honor system and will be donating to their chosen charity directly.
5. No additional donations to charities should or will be collected during TX Taco Week. Only the featured special promotion will provide a donation. If customers wish to make an additional donation, they can contact that charity directly.
Advertising and Marketing
1. TX Taco Week is proud to partner with media across the state who will be producing content including social media, print, and radio to support this charitable event.
2. Participating restaurants who provide a signed agreement by March 29th will be included in promotional content. However restaurants can sign up to be included in the event at any time.
3. Participating resturants will be provided a media kit including a poster for their front door area and stand-up counter cards for their register reception area and digital images for social media. Use of posters and counter cards items is expected so patrons are easily able to recognize a participating TX Taco Week location.
If for some reason, you are not able to display both the poster and the counter cards, please let us know so we can provide an exemption for you for this important part of TX Taco Week.
4. TX Taco week posters should be displayed two weeks before TX Taco Week. This will generate excitement within the community and give your customers a reason to come back! Take a photo of your poster and send it to us at May 1st so that we can promote your featured special and chosen charity.
5. Participating restaurants are asked to post on their social media the week before…and the week of TX Taco Week letting their followers know about their participation.
6. The National Leadership Foundation will also be posting during the event and the weeks prior to the event on social media.
7. It is expected that benefiting charities will also let their donors and followers know about TX Taco Week through social media and any other channels that they choose.
Eligible Restaurants
1. Any Texas food or drink establishment (mobile or otherwise) that is open for business is eligible. They do not need to be approached personally. Restaurants can contact The National Leadership to be included.
2. Restaurants will be required to complete and sign a TX Taco Week Restaurant Participant Form.
3. In order to be eligible for media promotional inclusion, Participant Forms need to be turned in by March 29th. However restaurants can sign up to be included in the event at any time. Restaurants can also also email for a form to be sent to them.
4. To determine if a restaurant or charity is already participating, please visit our Facebook page or link in bio of Instagram page: Texas Taco Week.
5. Restaurants will be competing to see who can raise the most donations for their charity. The one who raises the most donations will be awarded a golden championship Texas Taco Week belt buckle live on social media after the event.
6. Restaurants are encouraged to send photos of their featured special along with their filled in counter cards and posters for us to use in promotional materials.
7. On the Restaurant Participant Form, there is a place for contact information (phone and email). Contact information will be checked to make sure we can successfully contact the restaurant.
8. The National Leadership Foundation reserves the right to terminate a relationship with a restaurant for any reason, at any time.
9. Any photo taken and used in promotion of Texas Taco Week can be used freely by the National Leadership Foundation, participating charities, restaurants, and partners.
Restaurant Featured Specials
1. Tacos are the main dish expected to draw customers to participating restaurants…but it certainly doesn’t need to stop there. Specials can be anything consumable item that is taco related or even taco themed. Specials can even be temporary creations featured just for TX Taco Week. For example, if a restaurant doesn’t have any food item taco related…then they can create a special drink (The Texas Taco Week margarita? Or the Texas Taco Week salad?) Restaurants are encouraged to be creative and make this fun!
Restaurants can also have more than one special. For example, any taco plate purchased during lunch might be eligible. Or any taco or enchilada might be eligible. We hope restaurants will choose specials that are easy and fun for them.
2. Restaurant featured specials (and the restaurant’s chosen charity) will be prominently displayed on the counter cards and posters provided.
3. Restaurant featured specials will be promoted through media of all kinds. When possible, a photo may be used. Restaurants are encouraged to submit a high-quality photo of their featured special to to be used.
4. If a restaurant would like to sign up to participate but needs extra time to decide on a featured special that is no problem! We can accept a signed Restaurant Participant Form and add their featured special within 7 days. In this case, please send featured special to within 7 days of signing Restaurant Participant Form.
Golden Championship Texas Taco Week Belt Buckle
1. A custom belt buckle has been created to award the restaurant who has raised the most donations for their chosen charity. The champion will be determined after all donations have been turned in to the charities.
2. The buckle will be awarded live to the champion on social media at a predetermined time after the champion has been determined.
Contact Information
1. The coordinator of Texas Taco Week is Christine Jones, Executive Director of The National Leadership Foundation. 817-923-4527 or 817-922-8297.